Parking Brake Base Reinforcement Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Parking Brake Base Reinforcement Sub-Assembly (#58107-0R020), a crucial body part within Toyota's Front Floor Panel & Front Floor Member system, plays a vital role in maintaining the parking brake's stability. This assembly strengthens the parking brake base, enabling it to withstand the tension and pressure applied when the parking brake is engaged. Components like the Parking Brake Base Reinforcement Sub-Assembly (#58107-0R020) may wear out over time due to constant use and need to be replaced. An old or broken assembly might lead to the parking brake base becoming unstable, reducing the effectiveness and safety of the parking brake system. Genuine parts like these reinforce assemblies significantly aid compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Finally, the Parking Brake Base Reinforcement Sub-Assembly (#58107-0R020) contributes to overall vehicle safety, ensuring your parking brake operates effectively when needed.